5 Early Lessons from our AI Agency

What We've Learned in 3 Months on AI Strategy & Implementation

This Week’s Edition

Hello and welcome to this week's Tuesday edition of Domorewith.ai, now in a revamped format! We're excited to bring you a curated selection of AI-related insights, tools, and media content. Our Thursday edition will focus intensively on the strategic aspects of AI and offer guidance on its effective implementation within your business.

  • 📖 This week's blog post delves into five key insights we've garnered from running our AI agency.

  • 🖥️ This weeks edition of our AI Toolkit highlights Loom AI, a remarkable tool I frequently use for enhanced video messaging. Its new AI features are groundbreaking. We're also showcasing Claude Pro, a strong competitor to ChatGPT, although using it requires a VPN set to either the USA or the UK.

  • 🎤 Most valuable media this week features an insightful article from Greylock on Product-Led AI. Additionally, we feature a concise, yet impactful video discussing Palantir's game-changing role in AI history.

So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let's dive into the fascinating world of AI together. Enjoy!


Our Agency

5 Early Lessons from our AI Agency

Below is a summary of our new blog post which you can read in full here.

What We've Learned in 3 Months

Three months have elapsed since the inception of Domorewith.ai, and it's been a exciting journey so far partnering with our initial cohort of clients on crafting and executing AI strategies.

We've had the privilege of collaborating with exceptional New Zealand-based businesses across a diverse array of sectors. This experience has granted us valuable insights into these industries, as we design high-impact AI solutions tailored to each client's unique requirements.

Recognising the value of sharing knowledge, I've decided to outline some pivotal lessons we've gleaned thus far. While I intend to delve deeper into these subjects in future discussions, for the moment, I present to you five key takeaways from our early work in the AI consulting space.

The 5 Lessons

We break these down in the full blog post.

  1. There is no better time than the present for your business to start it’s AI journey

  2. AI will be the most deflationary technology of our lifetimes

  3. Calculating Return on Investment (ROI) for AI initiatives offers a compelling business case

  4. The amount of time staff spend in their email is crazy

  5. Most business are still unaware of the powers of automation

AI is an absolute game-changer and we are only just beginning

In the brief span of three months since our agency's inception, I've become convinced that AI represents the most groundbreaking technology that we will see in our lifetimes. Crafting and implementing a well-thought-out AI strategy is not just an option; it's a categorical imperative for businesses, whether large or small.

Neglecting this essential strategic component could mean missing out on exponential growth and efficiency gains, putting your business at a competitive disadvantage.

Though the foundational work for AI dates back to the 1940s, coinciding with the advent of computing, the technology itself is far from antiquated. The first paper on neural networks, which form the backbone of today's AI, was published in 1943. What sets apart the current era of AI is the almost overnight transformation from a nascent technology to an extraordinarily capable one, particularly with the advent of models like ChatGPT-4.

Given the accelerating pace of AI innovation, businesses that hesitate to adopt AI risk falling irreversibly behind. The landscape is shifting rapidly, and the cost of inaction grows with each passing day.

If you're finding the process daunting, don't hesitate to reach out for assistance or book an introductory call with us.

AI Toolkit

Products of the Week

New Products to Try

  • Algomo - Automate and optimise your customer support with a ChatGPT-powered bot, in less than 4 minutes. Your bot will resolve requests, escalate to an agent if needed, and requires absolutely no training or maintenance.

  • myReach - Your second brain Powered by AI. A place to save your knowledge, with an intelligent AI-Assistant that answers all your questions.

  • process.st - From Operational Chaos to AI-Powered Precision. Process Management So Simple, Operational Efficiency Is Inevitable.

  • Height - Stop managing projects. For good. Height 2.0 — the autonomous project collaboration tool, powered by AI.

  • Taplio - Create better LinkedIn content, schedule your posts at the right time, build new relationships and monitor all your results.

  • Latent Space - Meet Steve. Your AI Data Assistant. Steve can analyse your data, create graphs, perform statistical analysis and more! Upload a CSV or Excel file with any data you’d like and start asking Steve questions now.

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