Amplifying the Artistic Revolution

How AI inspires and elevates the creative process for everyone

Yesterday we looked at Assistants and today we wanted to touch on how AI technology is significantly amplifying human knowledge and creativity. Just as calculators and Excel spreadsheets enhanced our mathematical prowess, AI-driven tools are now expanding our cognitive capabilities by summarising meeting notes, crafting thoughtful emails, and more.

ChatGPT is a prime example of AI advancement, having demonstrated remarkable achievements such as passing an MBA exam at Wharton, taking and passing the bar exam, and passing medical licensing exams. With the continuous improvement of AI models, such as the jump from GPT-3.5 to GPT-4 (as shown in the chart below), we can expect further enhancements in performance across multiple disciplines.

Generative AI also enables us to unleash our creativity in unprecedented ways. As AI becomes more affordable, accessible, and sophisticated, the potential for creative expression increases dramatically. For instance, generative AI could transform an individual's story idea into a complete TV show script, empowering anyone to become a show runner.

The recent Runway festival, which showcased AI-generated short films, demonstrates the potential of user-generated content created with AI assistance. Check out the 10 finalists videos here.

Furthermore, generative AI is set to revolutionise our perception of art. Just as the advent of photography freed painters from the obligation to depict reality enabling them to experiment with abstraction and creativity, AI will transform writing, music, film, and design. To draw some historical parallels, check out Trung Phan’s great article here about how the invention of the camera changed art and led to Van Gogh's classic painting.

This revolutionary technology is bound to be both contentious and inspiring, as it shapes the art we produce and the stories we tell. Ultimately, generative AI will democratize creativity, making artistic expression more accessible to people from all backgrounds. However, the demand for and leverage of the world's best creatives will likely increase.


1. Products

Product of the Day

Cohesive combines AI brilliance with your creativity, enabling you to effortlessly create world-class content. Refine, edit, and publish seamlessly with a powerful editor. Say hello to magical content creation!

New Products

  • Glean - Know what your company knows, instantly. AI-powered workplace search. Across all your company's apps.

  • 10Web - Create websites in minutes with AI. AI-Powered WordPress Platform Automated Website Builder, Hosting, and PageSpeed Booster, to say the least.

  • PDF Chatbot - Dynamic, interactive, and intelligent conversations with any PDF document. PDF to conversational partners. No more skimming through pages

  • My AI Front Desk - The AI receptionist that never sleeps.

Next week, we will release a database of the best AI tools mentioned in our newsletter.

2. Learn

A day in the life of AI

Every day, we will showcase a workflow or task designed to help you or a specific role save time in their job. Becoming skilled at prompting can be a superpower, so the goal of this section is to help you up skill in this area.

Role: Business Owners, Marketing Managers, Content Creators
Workflow/Task: Content Strategy
Task time before AI: A few hours - a couple of days
Task Time with AI: <1 minute

Do you want an 8-week content strategy for your business? Try the prompt below:

I'm giving you some content strategies of [person], read it carefully and generate a content plan for my [new product] for next 8 weeks as the [person] do.

Person: Insert someone whos content you admire or rate
New product: Insert your product or service
Content strategy: Insert here

Please let us know if there are any workflows, tasks, or roles that you would like us to feature.

3. Most Valuable Media (MVM)

Most Valuable Image (MVI)

AI-Generated Image of the Day

Midjourney Prompt: photograph capturing Deadpool in a pose in a dim lit street and a big reflection in a puddle on the ground, there is a slight haze in the air, and you know something is about to happen, there is anticipation. It’s like a scene from a Hollywood movie, high production value, anthropomorphic lens glare --v 5 --q 2 --ar 1:2

Courtesy of Linus Ekenstam

Most Valuable Tweet (MVT)

Interesting take

Most Valuable Video or Podcast (MVVP)

Great episode of No Priors, with Emad Mostaque joining Sarah Guo and Elad Gil to talk about how Stability AI has changed the AI landscape, scaling laws, progress in different modalities, frameworks for AI safety, and why the future of AI is open.