Will Apple's proven approach work with AI?

The mantra to date has been "best in market" over "first to market."

Apple is probably my favourite brand on earth, largely due to their ability to make you feel a connection to their products. I'll never forget first opening the box of my Apple PowerBook G4, which I purchased on eBay in 6th form, or lining up at the Apple store in Santa Barbara in 2007 to get the new iPhone.

Apple is known for its innovation and elegant design. While it may not always be the first company to bring a product to market, it has a remarkable ability to perfect and refine existing concepts. Given this history of being best to market rather than first, it makes sense that Apple has not yet revealed how it might utilize artificial intelligence (AI) in its future products.

Apple's history has shown that it does not need to be the first to market to create a massive impact. The company has a track record of adapting existing technologies and redefining them to meet user expectations. For example, while smartphones existed before the iPhone, Apple introduced the world to a new level of user experience with its sleek design, easy-to-use interface, and app ecosystem. Similarly, digital watches were available long before the Apple Watch, but Apple managed to revolutionise the market with a perfect blend of style and functionality.

So, how does Apple do it? It focuses on understanding customer needs, rigorous attention to detail, and creating a seamless ecosystem of devices and services. This approach has made Apple the largest company globally (worth USD $2.65 trillion as I write this newsletter), setting the stage for its next big leap: artificial intelligence.

Apple is actually already leveraging AI in various aspects of its product line, from Siri to image recognition in the Photos app. However, there is much more potential to tap into. Here are some possible ways Apple might utilise AI in the future:

  1. Intelligent Personal Assistants: Let’s be honest, Siri is actually pretty crappy by Apple’s standards, but could evolve into a more proactive and context-aware personal assistant, anticipating users' needs and providing relevant suggestions. Imagine Siri reminding you to buy a birthday gift for a friend without you having to ask, or offering to book a table at your favorite restaurant when you mention dinner plans in a text, or working on tasks all day in the background for you.

  2. Health and Wellness: Apple's focus on health and wellness is evident in its Apple Watch and Health app. By leveraging AI, Apple could analyse user data to provide personalised fitness and nutrition plans, helping users achieve their health goals with ease. By connecting Apple Health data to a ChatGPT like system, you can envision a personalised Doctor, nutritionist and personal trainer all being offered for a low monthly subscription rate. Check out what this Stanford student released yesterday - HealthGPT.

  3. Smarter Home Automation: With the growing popularity of smart homes, Apple's HomeKit platform could benefit from AI integration. This would allow users to have more natural interactions with their home devices and create intelligent, adaptive automation routines.

  4. Augmented Reality: Apple's ARKit already enables developers to create engaging AR experiences. By incorporating AI, Apple could deliver even more immersive and context-aware AR applications, revolutionising industries such as gaming, education, and retail. Apple has also made several acquisitions in the AI space in recent years, such as Xnor.ai, Voysis, and Vilynx, which suggests that they are likely actively exploring and developing generative AI capabilities. Rumours suggest that Apple may launch a new AR headset at the WWDC Conference in June of this year.

Warren Buffett recently explained in 1 Sentence Why Apple Is the Most Successful Company in the World; “If you’re an Apple user and somebody offers you $10,000, but the only proviso is they’ll take away your iPhone and you’ll never be able to buy another, you’re not going to take it,”

It's hard to argue with Buffett, and I would be inclined to follow the same theory. Whatever they roll out with AI will undoubtedly continue their legacy of world-class products that focus on stunning design, user experience, and creating an emotional connection.


1. Products

Product of the Day

AI powered Business Process Automation. Build processes people actually follow. Transform your internal processes by optimizing the experience for the requester.

Frictionless intake, intelligent triage, and coordinated resolution - all with no-code and no change management.

New Products

  • Klu - Find the right information. Instantly. Connect all your apps for seamless, unified searching. Internal search engine powered by AI.

  • Tome - your AI storytelling partner. A collaborative AI partner,
 right at your fingertips.

  • Boolv - Boolv builds everything you need to make content creation as easy and efficient as possible. Rule our magic to grow your business.

  • Trivai - Automatically create trivia questions on any topic!

Check out our AI Product Guide in our Resource Hub to see all the AI tools and software we've previously reviewed and featured.

2. Learn

A day in the life of AI

Every day, we will showcase a workflow or task designed to help you or a specific role save time in their job. Becoming skilled at promoting can be a superpower, so the goal of this section is to help you up skill in this area.

Role: Lawyer or Individual (seeking legal advice)
Workflow/Task: Defend a charge or seek legal clarification based on local law
Task time before AI: A few hours - a couple of days
Task Time with AI: <1 minute

Try this ChatGPT prompt (feel free to tweak the type of lawyer, and tweak some variables such as the pending charges, but the prompt below gives you a taste on how the legal system will be shaken up by AI)

Hi, your name is now “GPT Lawyer”. Your job is to become a lawyer (Defence attorney) and state laws from (New Zealand) to help the defendant from being prosecuted and put in jail.

I will now (in third person) tell you what the prosecutor is saying to the defendant that may put him in jail.

Your job is now to try to deflect what the prosecutor is saying by mentioning the New Zealand laws to the judge to protect the defendant.

Please let us know if there are any workflows, tasks, or roles that you would like us to feature.

3. Most Valuable Media (MVM)

Most Valuable Image (MVI)

These images were created with Midjourney as a set based on: Minimalist Interior, big windows, lovely light. Prompts included: Modern living room, white furniture, floor-to-ceiling window, in the style of realistic and hyper-detailed renderings, unreal engine 5, light bronze and beige, panoramic scale, minimalist staging, biedermeier, high quality photo --ar 3:2 --v 5

Courtesy of Linus Ekenstam

Most Valuable Tweet (MVT)

Most Valuable Video or Podcast (MVVP)

Can a colour really beat the AI revolution? For now, it looks like it can.